Skin Is In: Taking Care of Body Skin
Good skin care doesn’t end at your face. If you notice, you’re covered with skin everywhere! And it IS our largest organ. The skin on your body, from your neck down to your feet, needs special care to keep skin youthful, moisturized and elastic. Skin on various parts of the body need specialized care and specific ingredients. With just a little more attention, skin everywhere can be soft, smooth and clear.
Neck: The skin on the neck is thinner than that on the face, meaning it’s more prone to sagging and wrinkles. Turkey neck? No, thank you! Take care of your neck by cleansing and treating it the same way as your face. For an extra anti-aging boost, look for products with peptides or products specifically for the neck.
Elbows and Knees: With some of the thickest skin on your body, elbows and knees need special care to keep from cracking and drying, especially since they’re continually bending. They can also handle heavier oils, so slather on almond oil, Vitamin E oil and even olive oil to lock in moisture.
Arms and Legs: Limbs need special care. The backs of the arms and legs are prone to the tiny, red bumps technically called keratosis pilaris. Lactic acid (derived from milk) can smooth these bumps by chemically exfoliating them. Just make sure to use daily. Another skin problem that strikes upper arms and upper thighs is dreaded cellulite. To give a temporarily tightness, look for lotions with caffeine, which give skin a tighter look and feel.
Feet: Our poor feet: We stand on them all day, and it shows. Callouses, cracking and dryness can all be turned around with just a little more care. Since the skin on our feet is extra thick, look for exfoliating ingredients like lactic acid or alpha hydroxy acid to quickly reduce cracking and increase softness.