AngelLift: Clinically Tested to Work
A common question potential AngelLift Dermastrips users ask is if AngelLift is clinically tested. Lucky for users who are looking for real results when it comes to rejuvenation of the lower face by reducing wrinkles and lines around the mouth and lips, the answer is YES.
Our gums recede as we age, which is uncontrollable. Combine the resulting volume loss with repeated movements like smiling, smoking, drinking from straws, and that creates deeper lines and an aging lower face. Plus, our lips lose their youthful volume as we age. Until recently, the only solution was expensive and temporary fillers and injections. Now with AngelLift on the market, women don’t have to resort to getting injections or surgery.
AngelLift works by providing gentle pressure to the lower face when placed between the gums and the upper or lower lip. You can treat wrinkles and volume loss in both areas, but not at the same time.
And AngelLift is clinically tested to work. An independent clinical study from trusted lab BioScreen Testing Services, Inc. available on the www.AngelLift.com website shows there were statistically significant improvements in the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth from baseline at Day 30 post-treatment. AngelLift measurably reduced the depth and length of lines. Additionally, the study reports, “There was a directionally significant decrease in the number of wrinkles at 30 days post-treatment.”
What does this mean for you? It means that you don’t need to take a chance on an unknown product that may or may not work. With thousands of satisfied AngelLift users and clinical proof, AngelLift can work for you, as long as you follow the AngelLift recommended usage instructions and maintain a healthy lifestyle.